Nature and nurture: How environment and biology shape mental health

As a mental health clinician and researcher, I have seen firsthand how our understanding of the role that biological and socioenvironmental factors play in mental health has evolved over time. For many years, the debate over nature vs. nurture dominated discussions in the field, but more recent models have focused on the interaction between genes and the environment, such as the diathesis stress model.
One of the most significant advancements in this field has been the emergence of gene x environment studies, which have shown that the effects of genes on mental health are not fixed, but rather are shaped by environmental factors. This understanding of gene-environment interaction has paved the way for a more nuanced view of mental health that recognizes the complex interplay of these factors.
At the same time, advances in neuroscience have revealed the remarkable plasticity of the brain, highlighting the potential for intervention and recovery. Neuroplasticity research has shown that the brain can change and adapt in response to new experiences and environmental stimuli, offering hope for those struggling with mental health challenges.
One important tool in understanding the biological and socioenvironmental factors involved in mental health is the use of real-world data. Behavioral health real-world data has emerged as a valuable resource for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers seeking to better understand mental health and inform evidence-based practices. This data includes information from electronic health records, claims data, and patient-generated data, among other sources, providing a wealth of information on treatment patterns, outcomes, and other factors that can inform our understanding of mental health.
For this year’s Mental Health Month, Mental Health America has announced the theme of "Look Around, Look Within," reminding us of the importance of taking stock of both our external environment and internal experiences when it comes to mental health. In upcoming blog posts throughout the month, we will explore this theme further, delving into topics such as the importance of considering socioenvironmental factors in care and research, as well as how we are working with real-world data to address the challenges associated with the lack of sufficient information to investigate these crucial areas.
There is still much work to be done to improve both care and research for behavioral health, and nationwide efforts that take a comprehensive approach to addressing systemic issues and caring for a patient’s whole health must be prioritized.